Shipping & Delivery

City Lights Detroit is proud to offer free standard ground shipping on all orders shipped to our Troy, Michigan showroom.

For orders over $3,800 (not including tax), City Lights Detroit offers free shipping to the address of your choice. Otherwise shipping costs to your selected address are capped at 10% of the total order.

Looking to ship to Canada? No problem! We’ll provide a Canadian shipping quote upfront and charge you only what we pay.

Please note that the recipient must open and inspect the contents of all boxes immediately upon arrival to report any damages or defects. For items that are shipped via freight carrier, you must inspect the item on site and note any defects on the bill of lading when signing off on delivery. Any claims for damages need to be reported within 5 business days to qualify for credits or adjustments. For the proper handling of any issues that may arise, please keep all boxes and packing materials until the product is confirmed to be in good working order.

We want your experience to be perfect from start to finish. Should you find any issues upon delivery, please contact us at 248-792-7828 and our team will ensure your issue is resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Should you need to return your merchandise, please first review our return policy.Once an order has shipped, it cannot be cancelled, rerouted or redirected. Please do not refuse the delivery of any non-damaged shipment as this may result in additional restocking fees, the loss of the product, and may void any possibility of a refund. Refused deliveries will incur the roundtrip shipping costs.

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